The Danish Dance Theatre

Ida Therén
Posted August 19, 2014 in Arts, Food & Drink, More

This August, dancers are invading Vitabergsparken, and one of the highlights takes place on August 21st, when Dansk Danseteater (The Danish Dance Theatre) presents a selection of their work.


One of the pieces we will see is the new performance piece Black Diamond by Tim Rushton, which is currently touring all around the world. The conceptual show includes music by Philip Glass, beats by Danish techno legend Trentemøller, a silver dust rain, 16 dancers and long black jackets – in the middle of the park!

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The project is part of the August dance nights in Vitabergsparken, a project run by Parkteatern. Other dance nights will be with Cullbergbaletten (16-17 Aug), Vertedance (Cz) (18-19 Aug) and the queer dance performance group “P*fect” on August 26th.

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Photos by: Marc Fluri



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