During five Fridays in July and August, Häringe slott will open its doors to the most splendid pool party happening in the Stockholm area this summer. Inspired by the decadent history of the palace, the parties will be a throwback to the roaring 20s, so stick a feather in your hair, grab a glass of champagne, and chat up some glamorous people by the first outdoor pool built in Sweden.
“We wanted to create a unique, late-afternoon party scene where our friends, their friends and new friends can party like Gatsby by the turquoise pool and at the palace terrace,” says Cornelia Hermelin at Häringe slott. “Looking back, when Torsten Kreuger owned the palace, Häringe was like a Swedish Playboy mansion with wild parties attended by people from all over the world.”
Dates: 18/7, 25/7, 15/8, 29/8
The club will have its own bus running from Dramatern, leaving at 17:00 and returning at 22:00.
Photo: lyx.se