Grillska Huset, Stockholms Stadsmission Café och Restaurang

Posted October 15, 2015 in Food & Drink


At Grillskas Hus in the Old Town you can enjoy a well-cooked meal, delicious sandwiches and ecological coffee and tea as well as pastries while contributing to making Stockholm a more humane city as the establishment is run by Stockholm’s Stadsmission. Our lunch is served between 11.00-14.00.

På Grillskas hus i Gamla Stan kan du njuta av vällagad mat, härliga smörgåsar, ekologiskt kaffe/te eller bakverk samtidigt som du bidrar till att göra Stockholm till en mänskligare stad då verksamheten drivs av Stockholms Stadsmission. Vår lunch serveras kl 11.00-14.00.



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