What you know about Berghs is probably that it’s a school of communications and marketing. And this is true. That information might not prepare you for what’s going down there this week. Usually around this time of year they’d be having a graduation exhibition, but this year they’ve gone on a different, more ambitious route. They’re having a festival, based around communication, curated by their students.
The festival consists of a series of talks, events and live shows. On the talks side of things, subjects include ‘How To Work With Social Media’ and ‘How Is It (Really) To Start Your Own Influencer Business?’. Musical acts include Molly Hammar, Jelly Crystal, Klara & Jag, Fredrik Jean Venard and Vera Hotsauce.
Tickets are free, but require sign-up in advance.
Photo: Vera Hotsauce by Julian Marin