History hasn’t been kind to Anders Zorn (1860-1920), which is unfair really, considering just how talented and prolific the guy was. Alongside being commissioned to paint portraits of numerous royals and politicians, he won the gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1889, and the Grand Prix as both engraver and painter the following year. Despite all this, he ultimately fell out of favour with the artistic avant-garde towards the end of his life, and seems to have been overshadowed today by painters such as John Singer Sargent.
Yet, Stockholm does a valiant job of keeping Zorn’s flame alive. And, as summer draws to a close, Sven Harry’s will dedicate an entire exhibition to the man. The exhibition title teases at what is to come; alongside Zorn’s crudely expressive oil paintings will be his less-exhibited works. Expect an array of watercolours, line etchings, and sculptures. The masterful way in which Zorn conjures up the illusion of light hitting water is by itself worth paying the entrance fee for.
This exhibition has been in collaboration with the Zorn Museum in Mora, Prince Eugen Waldemarsudde, Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Norrköping Art Museum, and several private lenders.
En annan Zorn (Another Zorn), Sven-Harrys Konstmuseum, is on display until 13 Aug