Anti-Waste Restaurant Sopköket Opens In Söderhallarna

Austin Maloney
Posted November 20, 2017 in Food & Drink

As our environmental recklessness pushes the earth ever closer to being some kind of fiery hellscape in the rapidly approaching future, the very least humanity can to is try to find ways to cut down on the damage we’ve already done. And one of the ways we can do that is reducing on food waste: less food waste means less food needs to be produced, ergo less environmental damage, ergo we might not all drown in the rising oceans inside a century. That’s certainly the hope of catering company Sopköket, who are now opening their first brick-and-mortar restaurant in Söderhallarna. Their goal is to serve good food while reducing waste, and they claim to have reduced food waste by 2.8 tonnes since they started in 2015.

Now they’re opening a pop-up restaurant until the end of December, serving soup, wraps. juices and more. The restaurant will have around twenty seating places, with take-away options available, and all material used will be 100% biodegradable. Sopköket’s founder Filip Lundin says – “Food is responsible for around 25% of humanity’s climate foodprint, and a third of all food produced in the world is wasted. Therefore it feels super good to be able to expand our activities and go further in reducing food waste”.

Sopköket’s pop up restaurant at Söderhallarna is open between November 27 and December 31. 

Söderhallarna, Medborgplatsen 3



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