Art For Diversity Exhibition And Auction Coming To Bar Brillo And CFHILL

Austin Maloney
Posted March 5, 2019 in Arts


Teskedsorden is a non-profit that works to support diversity via cultural projects and events, and they’ve got another coming to Bar Brillo this March. On March 18, in collaboration with Bar Brillo and the art gallery CFHILL, they’re hosting a charity art auction featuring works donated by some of Sweden’s most prominent artists, with the money going to Teskedsorden’s work for “an open Sweden where everyone’s rights are respected, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality or ability”.

Starting on March 5 at 17:00, when the works will go on display at Brillo for the public, there’ll be an number of related events, including artist talks with Karin Mamma Andersson and Cecilia Edefalk on March 16 and Jockum Nordström and Harald Lyth on March 17 at CFHILL. The haul features works by artists including Karin Mamma Andersson, Charlotte Gyllenhammar,  Lars Lerin and many more. The auction will take place at CFHILL on March 18 at 17:00.

“Teskedsorden’s motto ‘A Voice For Diversity’ can also apply to art. Art is, by its nature, boundary-crossing, and pen and brush are the weapons we use against an intolerant environment. That’s why art can take Teskedsorden in hand”, says Harald Lyth, one of the contributing artists.

Exhibition opening, Mar 5, 17:00-20:00, Bar Brillo. RSVP via mail to

For more info see

Photo: Ernst Billgren, Boden 

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