Art: Jockum Nordström

Posted May 26, 2016 in Arts



Jockum Nordström has become well known for his drawings and collages, where he gives a description of how he views life, and the subconscious. He is often funny, with erotic components to his work. Through his pieces, he has received a wide audience globally, with pieces in the collections of Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art, New York, for example. The artist lives with Karin Mamma Andersson, another successful contemporary artist. Both born in the early 60s, they are currently two of the top names at the contemporary auctions. Their work usually sells quickly, and Nordström’s painting De fyra väderstrecken, recently got a record price at a Swedish auction (price tag: 2,823,000 kronor). See his new show at Galleri Magnus Karlsson, close to Nationalmuseum’s temporary locale at Fredsgatan until the end of June.

Jockum Nordström – När ingen vandrar vägen fram, då vandrar vägen själv sitt damm.

On display until 26 May at Galleri Magnus Karlsson



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