Artdesk: Radical Recollections At Viet Nam Diskurs

Posted July 4, 2016 in Arts


The exhibition Viet Nam Diskurs – based on the famous Peter Weiss play of the same name – is now showing at Tensta Konsthall. It is part of the project Eros-effekten (The Eros Effect), in which Tensta is trying to find out what the word solidarity means today. There, by collecting art from solidarity movements they are trying to archive the fragmented work for social justice.

In the Viet Nam Diskurs show Marion von Osten and Peter Spillmann from The Center for Post-Colonial Knowledge and Culture Berlin (CPKC) show their research on the contemporary perspective of the radical politics of the 1960s. They also discuss how art, film and theatre became a part of the political process.

At Tensta Konsthall you can find Gunilla Palmstierna-Weiss’ legendary scenography of the Vietnamdiskurs play. You will also find pieces from the filmmaker Staffan Lamm’s early productions about the Vietnam movement, alongside private photos from the activists. In addition, there will also be a new version of the play, staged by students from Dans- och Cirkushögskolan DOCH.

Viet Nam Diskurs is on display until Sep 25. For more information see

Words: Ida Therén



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