Artsdesk: The Quantum Era

Posted November 20, 2015 in Arts


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Artist Dennis Duolee is currently working with the Quantum Art Project, a platform where art and science can meet and collaborate. The show is at AlbaNova (Stockholm Center for Physics, Astronomy and Biotechnology), on December 5th.

The idea for the future is to invite artists around the world to contribute to illustrating or interpreting modern science and ”future tech”. He will also invite all schools on Södermalm for kids under 16 to visit the exhibition. 

Tell us more about your project?

The Quantum Art Project is a platform where art and science meet and collaborate. At the moment I’m working together with a physicist along with the staff of Stockholm University and Fysikum at AlbaNova.

To be able to work so closely with scientists makes this an amazing journey. The broad network throughout the scientific community gives us easy access to correct and well-explained answers that we can work with.

How did your fascination with quantum physics start?

Well, it was quite random actually. I was listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast back in 2013. He had theoretical physicist Amit Goswami on the show. And for three hours, Goswami talked about the mystical behaviors of fundamental particles.

At a quantum level (like an electron), things start to do stuff classical physics can’t explain – like how one electron can be at two places at the same time, both moving and still, multiple dimensions and how information can travel outside our space and time.

I became obsessed. It took a while to digest and it was even harder when I Googled it and realized that this was all true. How could this be true, yet not getting its rightful recognition? Hopefully I can help change that.

What is your goal with this project?

I guess my personal goals are equal to the overall aims of the project, and that’s to globalize this project and show mankind’s ”new” laws of physics and other achievements. Every single human being has the right to know what they’re made of – to look down in the palm of your hand and understand how those billions of billions of small magical particles combined eventually became… you!

I reckon most would agree that we’re heading towards a new era in time. I’d call it the quantum era, as quantum physics give us a whole new approach in science and the way we look at the very foundation of life.

Explain more on how we can enjoy this experience.

The first art exhibition will be held at AlbaNova on December 5th, but there’s a twist! The set-up for our exhibitions is not only to show art, but also to have live professors, scientists and other lecturers to speak, debate and contribute. It’ll be a full day for everyone to appreciate and question science at it’s very top.

We’ll also have a smaller event during the Nobel Prize dinner the following week (Dec 10th), as a tribute to science and the great minds within.

I can’t tell you just yet about our plans for 2016 but I can tell you that we’re going full steam!

The Quantum Art Project, AlbaNova on December 5

story / Ida Therén

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