Arvida Byström Exhibition “Cherry Picking” Comes To Gallery Steinsland Berliner

Austin Maloney
Posted May 22, 2018 in Arts

Arvida Byström

Arvida Byström has established herself as one of the most distinctive and remarkably talented young artists around. As the internet bleeds into our lives to the point where we can’t remember a time before it, her art has found some of the most innovative and striking ways of exploring and depicting online imagination and the deep wash in social media. Her work also explores feminist themes and ideas of the female body, censorship of the natural body and challenges to ‘beauty standards’.

An exhibition of Byström’s work is now coming to Bondegatan’s Gallery Steinsland Berliner, under the title Cherry Picking. One of the ideas in play here is the concept that we ‘cherry pick’ our online world, that as the algorithms react to our choices and how we behave online we create a world around ourselves that we enclose ourselves in.

The exhibition opens on Friday, May 25 at 17:00.

Arvida Byström – Cherry Picking, Gallery Steinsland Berliner, May 25 – Jun 23



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