Idiots at MDT

Posted April 19, 2016 in Arts


On Tuesday May 3rd and Wednesday May 4th, Idiots, one of choreographer Björn Säfsten’s most celebrated works will be performed at MDT (previously Moderna Dansteatern).

Idiots stages a physical showdown with our perception of idiocy. The piece explores the duality between two dancing individuals, performers and Säfsten collaborators Allison Ahl and Sebastian Lingserius.
– Allison and Sebastian is tireless and courageous enough to take on such a revealing and demanding physical work as Idiots. I, Allison and Sebastian share the same nerdiness. And to transform into an idiot requires a dedication who cares about no limits, not even one’s own body.

Idiots premiered in Stockholm in 2014 and has also been shown in Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Vitebsk. In december 2016 Inkonst in Malmö will host the performance.

Besides Idiots, this spring Bjorn Säfsten is doing Matsalen – a show for kids and young adults – that he has produced together with video artist Lisa Tan on behalf of Regionteater Väst and Göteborgsoperan, as well as the show Föreställningen that has been rewritten from duo to solo and is performed at Kompani1 in Stockholm between April 8th and April 16th.

In Björn Säfstens work the body and mind, as well as their joint actions, are scrutinized, dissected and laid bare. He has 10-ish works behind him, among them Matsalen (For Regionteater Väst, 2016) and Idiots (2014), mentioned above, Fictional Copies (2013), Introduction (2012),…AND …. (for Scania’s Dance Theatre , 2012).

For more info about Idiots, check out



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