New Version Of Janice’s “Queen” Released For Röda Korset’s #medsyster Project

Austin Maloney
Posted March 8, 2018 in More

Röda Korset

It’s International Women’s Day today, and as part of a campaign to help women living in zones of chaos and violence everywhere Röda Korset have launched the #medsyster campaign. The campaign aims to raise money to support the Red Cross’ work in catastrophe zones where women are at special risk of violence and harassment, such as their campaigns against FGM in Sudan, assisting women getting access to healthcare in Afghanistan and helping build defences against natural disasters in Bangladesh och Myanmar. Michaela Friberg Storey, head of the Swedish Red Cross’ international campaigns, says “Our call is for people to help support their sisters and help us to change everyday life for women and girls all over the world who live in the middle of catastrophes”.

As part of the campaign, Janice is releasing a new version of her song Queen, with guest appearances on the new version from Sabina Ddumba, AMWIN and LASH. Janice says “To make this song, with a bunch of women who come together to help each other feels so amazingly powerful”.

There will also be a release party for the song and in support of the #medsyster campaign at Laika tonight. Doors open at 18:00.

You can read more about and donate to #medsyster here

Photo: Arvida Byström


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