Malmö/Lund-based Karin Wiberg’s busts of men, women and animals manage to occupy that rare space somewhere between benevolent and ghostly. There’s a blank but gentle expression on the face of each of her fired clay characters, which, Wiberg hopes, will encourage a moment of thoughtfulness on the part of the viewer.
This intent is reflected in the way in which her work has been displayed around the exhibition space. For the duration of the summer, the sculptures will ‘lead’ a walking tour around the different parts of the gardens surrounding the villa. And, much like McCabe Fine Art’s Contemporary Classicism exhibition, the busts will be located amongst the turn of the century classical sculptures.
Wiberg has previously exhibited throughout Sweden and in Tokyo. Her upcoming exhibition venues, apart from Stockholm, include New York and Tokyo.
Karin Wiberg’s Moments is on display at Thielska Galleriet between 1 June and 1 October.
Words: Daisy Fernandez