Danish Artist Luna Scales Latest To Bonniers Artist Talks

Austin Maloney
Posted May 14, 2019 in Arts

Luna Scales

This May and June Bonniers Konsthall are showing the piece Physical Status Report by the Danish artist Luna Scales. Scales, a student at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, created the work to examine questions at multiple levels. Physical Status Report is a video piece, that sees Scales pose in an imitation of a typical depiction of femininity in art history. Across the screen rolls text from a Danish state disability organisation report on Scales, assessing her body’s capabilities (she was born with a muscle condition). So her body’s value to the spectator (as an object of desire) and to the state (as a tool for work) are paralleled and interrogated simultaneously. Scales says: “The female nude model and the non-abled body may traditionally seem like each other’s aesthetic contradictions but acting as the images of the nude model and telling a story of a ‘weak’ body described in the text, I see a lot of similarities and commonness in the consideration of these two, in the fact that they are both subjected to strong objectification”

On Wednesday, you can witness Scales discuss the piece and more when she drops in for Bonniers’ Wednesday artist talk. She’s in conversation with curator Theodor Ringborg from 18:00. Entry to the talk is included in the Bonniers Konsthall entry fee, but places are limited on a first come, first serve basis.

May 15, 18:00-20:00, Bonniers Konsthall



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