Moustache of the day #3

Jonny Rothwell
Posted November 5, 2012 in Arts

Throughout November men across the globe participate in Movember to raise awareness and funds for health issues – specifically prostate and testicular cancer research.

During the coming few weeks we will feature a selection of this years Movember participant’s. We’re big fans of the initiative and hope you are too. If you would like to show your support – or learn how to get involved – click here. If not, sit back and admire some of Stockholm’s most glorious facial art.

Simon Westerlund

Interactive Designer at Humblestorm.

Years with a tache: A year and a half

How does your moustache make you feel?
It’s a large part of my personality. It makes me feel more me.

Do girls find it attractive?
My girlfriend more than accepts it. I suppose it displays the fact that you care about the way you look. But maybe it attracts a different type.


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