New Faces: Spy Bar

Posted February 28, 2017 in Music

Ask the question ‘Where should we go…?’ any time after midnight and Spy Bar is almost inevitably the answer. But as well as we all know it, Spy Bar has changed, having renovated late last year. They’ve recruited Joel Ighe, Charlie Lindström, Amanda Persson, Simon Yemane and David Daff Kjellström to reimange and run the venue, and we asked Kjellström all about it.

How did you all come to be involved in the new Spy Bar?

David: I guess they headhunted the people with the best networks from all over Stockholm, and put us together to create the perfect mix.

Tell us a little about the new concept.

Simon: The idea is more to give what is perhaps Sweden’s most famous club a well-earned break and a facelift. Spy Bar is an institution that has existed for 20 years, 20! We take it seriously and it’s an honour to take over. We want to build on the good parts and continue to work to create a place where Sweden’s best guests can feel safe and being taken care of and have fun.

What are the most important qualities a nightlife venue should have, and how have you implemented them at Spy Bar? What’s changed from the old Spy Bar?

David: The most important quality is that you never know what you’re going to get, or who you’re going to meet, but that it always ends up as an awesome night. As for what’s changed, everything except for the location!

You’re a big team behind the new bar, does that make it a more exciting project?

David: Yes, because we are all very different and have very different points of view. But we all work towards the same goal – to build the most legendary nightclub.

And finally, anything extra exciting planned at Spy Bar over the next year?

David: Yes, we are expanding, building a restaurant and hosting the most incredible wedding Stockholm has ever seen.

Spy Bar, Birger Jarlsgatan 20

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