Swedish Unisex Skincare And Fashion Brand NO SOCIETY Launches

Austin Maloney
Posted May 9, 2019 in More

No Society

The market for beauty and skincare products is ever growing, and worth millions of kronor in Sweden alone at this point. And now another brand is trying to get in on the action, with a little more holistic approach. Founded by Carl Falkenberg, NO SOCIETY has a couple of principles. One, being that the products are designed to be unisex, and two, that they’re designed to be sustainable. Manufactured in Stockholm, NO SOCIETY’S items are vegan, and come in packaging that’s made from recycled materials and sugar cane fibres.

Falkenberg says: “After many years in the beauty industry, it is exciting to finally launch NO SOCIETY – a brand  with heart, individuality and a commitment to sustainability. We have chosen to focus on a  few key products aimed at a diverse consumer base and which we hope will exceed  expectations. The idea that people should have a long line of products as part of their daily  routine is unsustainable for many. Because we sell our products online, we can also offer more  accessible price points”.

NO SOCIETY launches today, with products available from their online store, with clothing items also included as part of their scope. Prices range from 80ke-220kr for skincare items and 150-1100kr for clothing.




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