Parkteatern Brings Aniara To Life

Austin Maloney
Posted August 7, 2019 in More


Aniara, Harry Martinson’s sci-fi epic is always popular material for directors to work with, and it’s especially popular at the moment after Pella Kågerman and Hugo Lilja’s 2018 film interpretation of the classic. So it’s no surprise that the tale of the spacecraft in drift has popped up as part of Parkteatern’s programme this summer.

Aniara is coming to Observatorielunden in a version directed and dramatised by Helge Skoog, and starring Albin Flinkas. The journey through space comes alive on Saturday, kicking off at 20:00. Earlier during the day, there’ll be a series of discussions on our future in space to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, starting from 16:00.

Aniara, Observatorielunden, Aug 10, 20:00

Photo: Matilda Rahm



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