Rise of the Guardians

Elaine Brennan-O'Dwyer
Posted November 30, 2012 in Arts


Director: Peter Ramsay

Talent: Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, Isla Fisher, Hugh Jackman

Rise of the Guardians is a spirited spectacle, charged with an energy that will excite children and grown-up kids alike. Adopting the reliably broad “Good versus Evil” trope, the film is an old-fashioned morality tale with a twist. When a wicked villain named Pitch Black (Jude Law) appears, intent on infecting the thoughts and dreams of children with fear, a super-team of mythological figures must unite to defeat him.

Our unlikely hero, Jack Frost (Chris Pine), is invited to join the force for Good, fighting side by side with a host of children’s celebrities who have each been granted an updated personality, including a feisty Santa Claus with tattoos (Alec Baldwin), and an Aussie Easter Bunny with boomerang weaponry (Hugh Jackman).

Spinning a tale of subverted myths, Peter Ramsay plays with folkloric stories while retaining their ingrained morality and produces a magical amalgamation of our favourite legends. Despite the frenzied effect of 3-D enhancement when the action picks up, Rise of the Guardians is a stunningly vibrant visual treat.



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