Roadmap: Eco-City

Posted April 7, 2016 in Arts



As the third and last part of the monthly series Människa och natur – Klimatförändringarnas Historia (Human and Nature – the History of Climate Change), Världskulturmuseerna presents a talk on eco-cities. This whole series has posed the question of how the co-existence between humans and nature has influenced our climate and the march of civilisation, with the aim of seeing the connection between humans and nature. The event in April is devoted to sustainable cities with a focus on the hundreds of ecocities that have been planned in China. Anna Hult, teacher in urban studies at KTH, helps to inform us about the international eco-city ideals of our time, and how they are looked upon both in Sweden and in China. What are the pros and cons and how do the discussions go when it comes to urban planning? We salute the initiative and how it puts the spotlight on climate change, probably the most fateful question of our time.

Östasiatiska Museet, April 12

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