Scissors, tape, string and an obscene amount of A4 paper make up the wild, and incredibly impractical, creations that Bea Szenfeld has made for her Haute Papier collection that in large is being exhibited at Dansmuséet all through the summer.
Titled Everything You Can Imagine Is Real, the exhibition showcases the multi-dimensional works of the Swedish costume designer, who has previously made creations for the likes of Björk and Lady Gaga.
But Bea’s world is not the only thing you will step into when visiting this strong visual exhibition. Large prints created by the Swedish Royal Opera in co-operation with Stockholm Graphics, photographers Karoline Henke and Carl Thorborg and illustrator Stina Wirsén are also on show.
The stated aim of the Royal Opera is to make it feel modern, imaginative and welcoming. And that’s something they will certainly achieve with this eye-opening exhibition, capturing the hearts and minds of fashionistas and art lovers in equal measures.
Every You Can Imagine is Real is on display at Dansmuseet until September 25.