Roadmap: House Party

Posted May 20, 2016 in Arts

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House Party

“The idea is that this exhibition will make you feel that change and new thinking is possible, that it’s possible to actually do something,” says Dan Hallemar, one of the people behind the exhibition Bo. Nu. Då: Bostadsfrågor och svar under 99 år at Arkitektur och Designcentrum.

The housing problem is currently one of the most debated issues in Stockholm and this exhibition tries to find a path leading to some answers. They look into the problem historically – what did Sweden’s politicians do in 1931 when we had some of the worst living conditions in Europe? Or in the 60s when we had 150,000 people waiting for a place to live? Currently that same figure stands at 500,000, a stark statistic that underlines the problem we’re facing.

The exhibition shows examples and suggested solutions to previous and current housing crises, from emergency shelters in Stockholm 1917 to the “fast houses” of today, built in Högdalen.

Bo. Nu. Då: Bostadsfrågor och svar over 99 år is on display at ArkDes until Jan 8 2017.



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