We first brought you news of Bonniers Konsthall’s Insomnia exhibition a few months back, and now they’ve got a special event planned for that exhibition. On Wednesday they’re bringing a host of artists and thinkers into the gallery for a series of sleeplessness-related projects. In collaboration with the magazine Cabinet, author Fabian Kastner will be staying up to try and complete a book from start to finish inside just 24 hours. Writer and professor Elisabeth Bronfen will be giving a lecture entitled Insomnia Writing: A conversation between Shakespeare, Kafka and Existential Philosophy, exploring the relationship between insomnia and literature, with help from Isabelle Ståhl. There will also be performances by artists Rafaël Rozendaal and Gideonsson/Londré, along with a showing of Maya Deren’s famous surrealist film Meshes of the Afternoon. It starts at 18.