Do you belong to the large swathe of Stockholmers that list “striped” as your favourite pattern? Now your dream has come true. This fall, Nordiska museet is putting up a whole show based on exactly that. Stripes.
In the exhibition, Ränder, rytm, riktning (Stripes, rhythm and direction), we get to explore and investigate the patterns that are everywhere in our everyday lives. You can see objects that you encounter in your daily life, as well as more exotic or historical items. The idea is that patterns are everywhere – but it’s the context that gives the shape it’s meaning. Sounds abstract? Come see for yourself at Nordiska Museet, but no rush – it runs all the way until August next year!
Ränder, rytm, riktning. En utställning på längden och tvären
On display until Aug 31 2014
Nordiska Museet, Djurgården