Posted March 22, 2016 in More, Music

TS 48-11

As eternal optimists we believe that tomorrow, as incredible as that may sound, is always going to be even better than today. It’s an exciting life we live, but what exactly does 2016 have in store for Stockholm?

We have cherry-picked some of the most interesting names in various fields to hear what they have lined up and what they think will catch our attention this year. Lets start with music.

ts TS 48-1


The outspoken force of nature that is Silvana Imam has made quite an incredible mark on the Swedish music scene in a relatively short space of time. 2016 is the year she will release her debut album, something people usually have accomplished long before scooping up awards like Best Live Act and a Swedish Grammy for Best Artist. But that’s not Silvana’s way of doing things, she’s always staked out her own path.

I know it’s not something you were expecting, but from critics to hiphop fans, you seem to be pretty much everyone’s darling in Swedish music right now. What are your own thoughts on why you have such strong appeal, the music, the lyrics or your straight-talking persona and strong conscious message?

You’re answering your own question, haha. I think it comes down to precisely that, my music, my lyrics and that I speak directly to the people without any filter. I have since day one always said exactly what I feel and what I think and that has also been reflected in my music. I’m fed up with artists who don’t express their feelings or who don’t suffer for their art.

So while everyone wants you, and wants to listen to what you have to say. Could you actually hope that your success can instigate any form of change? And in that case what sort of change do you envisage?

Oh I really hope that it will. I can already see change in all the emails and messages I get from the people who listen to my music. They are the change, they’re the new world order. I hope that I can inspire them to achieve more and to make them believe in their inner force. It’s no longer interesting with obsolete gender roles and viewpoints that only favours white heterosexual middle-aged, middle-class men. I breathe through the power of my listeners.

Apart from all the awards you have won already, this year you release your album Naturkraft and you play Gröna Lund. What do you reckon will be the most important landmarks in your musical career and your life during 2016?

Wow, it must be to release my first real studio album. I have dreamt about this year ever since I was seven years old and got my first album; The Score by The Fugees. That I get to do something, to release a work that hopefully will lead to someone feeling stronger or able to live through the day is equally appealing as releasing an album is in itself.

All the prizes and awards that I have received are obviously a fantastic recognition, but it’s actually those messages and emails I mentioned that really means something at the end of the day.

Gröna Lund too has always been a dream. I remember going there twice a year with my best friend when we were kids, and now I’ll get to stand on their main stage. That’s crazy. I also go to South By Southwest in Austin, Texas next week. That’s another goal I have had ever since I began working with my manager Babak. To crush that language barrier and bring the music to places outside of Sweden. That I get to do it in Swedish obviously means that the language isn’t an obstacle for communication between humans, but rather something that unites.

Could you give me your current view on Stockholm’s music scene?

I’m really longing for some interesting pop. I want something new, honest and real. I know that Beatrice Eli will fill that void when she releases her album that she’s working on.

And what do you think 2016 have in store for the music scene? Any new trends, important events or other names to look out for?

I don’t follow trends and I would dissuade people from doing that. You need to follow your heart.

Silvana Imam’s debut album Naturkraft is out March 25

words Peter Steen-Christensen

photos Adam Falk



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