Theatre Highlight: The Nether

Posted May 11, 2017 in Arts

Nina Zanjani and Reine Brynolfsson in ‘The Nether’
Photo: Visual Relief

“Bedding Taylor Swift, every night inside the Oculus Rift” sings Father John Misty on the opening line of his song Total Entertainment Forever, a look at how technology is allowing us to live out the darkest sides of our fantasies. Dramaten’s The Nether asks the same question, about how we handle a world in which we can experience the forbidden without consequences. In a version of the future the internet has evolved into something called Nether, a world which resembles the real one almost exactly. Can you commit a crime in Nether if it doesn’t affect the outside world? A crime without victims? Written by American dramatist Jennifer Haley, The Nether dives deep into these questions.

The Nether, Dramaten, playing until May 31


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