Under the skin

Posted October 5, 2015 in Arts


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This winter’s crop of new books is filled to the brim with DIYs covering all conceivable types of crafts and handiworks. Want to learn how to crochet? There is a book for that. Actually, there are several books for that. Interested in knowing more about how to make your own plant hangers? Look no further than your nearest bookstore – they are bound to have some literature on the subject. Looking to pick up the art of creating rope vessel baskets? Be patient, the trendiest craft of 2015 (Gemma Patford’s workshops in the art sell out within hours of going on sale) is sure to have its very own DIY guide by early next spring.

In a recent article in UK newspaper The Guardian, columnist Rebecca Nicholson tells us how she has become boring. She identifies with today’s young people who have ceased binge-drinking, stopped doing drugs and instead opt for a boring lifestyle. As Nicholson goes on to explain: “When everyone is broke and the future seems increasingly bleak for anyone under 30, we grasp for safety and familiarity, for a past that seems less nebulous. Besides, how does a generation rebel against parents who wear Converse and smoke weed and listen to Arcade Fire? By turning into Saffy from Absolutely Fabulous and rolling its eyes at hedonism.”

In our search for comfort, familiarity, safety and a chance to catch our breath, we are crocheting, knitting, kneading, tying, sandpapering and shovelling more than ever before. One of our own current obsessions is leather craftsmanship and all the beautiful, handmade pieces available on the market. For Michael Gertnär, a steward turned leather craftsman and the author of the beautiful new book Lone Wolf Läderarbeten, his new-found hobby turned into an entirely new career path. Smålands Skinnmanufaktur is yet another example of a young brand that produces a range of leather accessories and furniture pieces too exquisite to resist.

It is about time you get yourself a new hobby. Who knows, it might even become your future livelihood…

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