Bitesize: 3 x Additive Free

Micha Van Dinther
Posted March 7, 2015 in Food & Drink, More


3 x Additive Free



With tons of nasty additives being sneaked into most things we put in our mouths, getting what you see is becoming a less and less regular occurence. But at Kallpressen, the popular cold-pressed organic juicer at Mosebacken, fresh fruit is the only ingredient that makes it into the finished product.

Svartensgatan 10


Äkta Sylt

Say no to additives and citric acid by sourcing to your jams and preserves from Äkta Sylt, an online retailer created by eight small-batch jam makers from all over Sweden and brought together by pastry chef Jan Hedh. Also available as gift boxes.



Processed meats are often jam-packed with stuff that allegedly makes them last longer and taste better. But what if we prefer meat that is just meat, pure and free of all the other added crap? We suggest you look out for sausages by Korvhantverk, which are completely additive-free.

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